B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My hair throughout the years...well kinda

So I was skimming through old photos from Photobucket, which were filled with me doing random "Myspace" poses. Hilarious I might add. Looking at the pics made me go wow at how far I've come with my hair. I don't think I was that versatile or imaginative with my hair dos I feel like I've always been kind of safe when it came to hair, compared to other people. But I still think it's fun to look at my hair lol. Most of these pics are from 09 a few from 08 and 07.

Have no idea what year this was, I believe it was 07 before I cute my hair, my hair was a mess back then and that length...awful lol.

My hair the day after prom, first time I used Redken. One of the first times in a long time my hair was somewhat even.

A fake bob, this is after I cut my hair and it was growing out.

Another fake bob, my hair was at such an awkward length I pinned the back underneath.

 Sideswept mess

Well there's the date 09 lol, hair still growing out

Tried to do half up half down

Both of these are my short hair. Tried to do Rihanna didn't come out that way. The first pic that is just awful what the heck is that little hair situation in the back lol. As for the bottom pic, one of the only times my hair acted right lol.

 This pic is from last year I believe, curled it and that's what I got lol.

Frizzy Fall hair?!

So on this day before Thanksgiving, weather crisp and cold, I go out with my friends to her barn to visit her horse. I threw on a hat  in the pic below (excuse the face, I thought the horse was going to bite me)

Anyway I didn't feel like doing my hair so I threw on the hat and only straightened the hair in the front. For some crazy reason after being outside for like 45 min my hair went poofalicious!!, like seriously?? it's freezing out, how does that even happen?!. I was sooooo annoyed!.

Anyway I've been on the serious hunt for products. My inner product junkie is on fire. I have officially run out of all my products I use on my curly hair, so I am searching far and wide the internet world and natural hair community to find products to buy. I haven'y decided what to get yet but there will definitely be some Oyin action in my cabinet. So until next time. Adio.

Natural hair inspiration time!

So at the moment I'm feeling a little...inspired and decided to share my fav natural hair pics.
When I look at these people, it makes me like being natural even more.

From her hair to her makeup that's a whole lot of Africa goodness. Absolutely stunning.

So...maybe I didn't choose this pic because of his hair, although very gorgeous hair, I prefer the rest of him haha.

I can only dream to have that much hair to sit on top of my head.

Both these ladies have adorable fros!

Eye,eyebrows,lips and hair, gorgeous lady.