B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hair length check

So I decided to start doing length checks because I can never tell when my hair grows and the best way is by photo! hooray!.Anywho, this is my hair, a flat ironed hot mess about to be washed so that explains why is looks...well a mess lol. My biggest problem with my hair is the fact that the bottom part of my hair hair grows faster so my hair is an uneven mess of unevenness. I figured I should cut it but it would just grow out longer than the rest and cutting it would be a waste.
So here we go the first of my length checks. I'm not really looking for length on my natural journey I just want the middle part of my hair to grow out because right now it is so not cool, so I will be patient.
Oh and uh
Look at that crazy cloud! this is right outside my apartment. About two days ago it rained completely sunny out and I caught this pic right before it did.
Ahhh the last of the summer rain. It's already feeling like Fall, I love Fall but I hate Winter, wish I could skip over it!.

Negativity and Natural hair.

Good hair.

That term is a term that I think is completely ignorant.
Growing up all my life I have heard that term good hair. I honesty wish I could say that I grew up in a household where the term"good hair" wasn't used. My mother who was half Native American had hair like chili from TLC, Anada Lewis or Amerie...yes Amerie the most haha.

 Anyway, my mom never told me I had bad hair, in fact I never even heard her mutter the words good hair or bad hair. I don't think she believed there was such a thing. Growing up my hair was always relaxed by my aunt, my mother was quite sick and couldn't really do my hair so my aunt took care of it.
Fast forward to the present. I hear comments from my grandmother who I live with btw that I have bad hair. Just the other day she was telling me about her great grandmother and how she was light skinned but she had hair like mine, she didn't have... "good hair".
I know that people just say when you hear things like that you should just brush it off but when it is your own family it's kinda to brush off what they say. Whether we like it or not what they say we really take to heart since they are the people closest to us.
It hurt me only a little when that was said, because believe me that isn't the first time I've heard it. Does it make me ashamed of my natural hair? Does it make me regret going natural? does it make me want to go back to relaxed? the answer to all of those is a big no. In fact when I hear it I get irritated but then it just fuels my fire to continue on NOT relaxing my hair. It just baffles me that Black people can sit up here and say things like this. It's like you have Black people hair do you think your hair is ugly? do you think God made a mistake when he made our hair? there is not such thing as good hair in that way. Good hair is healthy hair. I wish this term would be destroyed, I hope that future generations can forget the term and never use it. It's so negative and ignorant it's ridiculous that people still believe it. My advice for any of you who have family members, friends or even coworkers that make you feel bad about your hair. Say screw you. The best way to keep up your journey is to look at other women with natural hair and be inspired by them. It's one of the best ways to keep yourself going. 

Natural hair is beautiful hair.