B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New hair!

As New Year's eve has approached, I have come across countless blogs and videos of Natural haired ladies doing challenges for the new year. Whether it's growing out your hair, taking better care of your hair everyone has a goal to start off the new year.
So I decided that I might as well jump on the big ole bandwagon and make my own challenge...well I guess I have been on a challenge for the last year or two since I started a heathy hair journey out of nowhere an stuck to it. So I can't say this is some kind of new challenge but it will be nice to have a goal. 
So here are my new years goals for hair.
1. Continue to keep up trims every two months
 2.Stay on top of getting my hair products, don't run all the way out before purchasing more
3. Flat iron hair LESS, I've been doing every two weeks, try to make it three
4. Grow hair to either SL or BSL by the summer before I go to Texas:)
And one for the body
5. Work out more!, I know there will be times when I don't work out or can't work out but try to get to the gym every week to work out.

So there are my goals, my goals that I hope I can accomplish. I'll check in every once in a while and document lol...my progress.

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