B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rambling, hair update

So it's been a long boring snowy weekend. I've been trying to keep myself busy from going crazy. It gets dark at 4:30 which has always had the most depresseing impact on me. I HATE when it gets dark early,I feel like my day is over before it even starts, ughhhhhhh. So between watching Inglourious Basterds and cleaning my house spotless, I have'nt really thought much about my hair, which I guess is a good thing. Too much time on hair can drive a person crazy.

Anywho, my hair was straight for a little more than a week and when I washed two days ago, I barely had any shed hairs, which was fantastic. I detangled carefeully and it honeslty only took my maybe 20 minutes to detangle when it usually take me a lot longer and last time I washed my hair was so tangled and so much hair came out it took an hour. It was horrific. I told myself I didn't ever want to see my hair like that again so I guess I got my wish. I plan to straighten again soon this time using the chase method which worked fantatsic the first timem and hopefully smooth sailing fron then on...hopefully.

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