B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I don't get a good bun like that often... sigh

I decided to write about my Texas trip that I took last summer because believe or not next summer will be another trip. 
So last summer in July we ended up back in Texas. I felt like a plane veteran this time around, same airport practically the same seats. This time however it wasnt just me and my dad, my aunt obviously my Dad's sister and her son my cousin tagged along. My hair unfortunately wasn't in the mood to be rocked au natural and to be honest this trip, this time around I wasn't feeling well I had this weird pressure pain in my stomach that had started a few days before and didn't go away until a few days after I left for Texas. Anyway this time around I wasn't broke. I did major...MAJOR shoppage before I went this time around so that made me a very happy camper. So it was a strange experience getting there. I actually got stuck working early that day which pissed me off I needed that whole day to pack on top of that my stomach issues were slowing me down. So I got off work, and went home to pack. I spent the whole day trying to get my things together but I had to rest because my stomach was dying. I eventually finished packing and didn't get done until around 1am I then forced myself to take a shower. It started storming out like crazy which I love but certainly a change from last years humidity filled air I left behind.
So after my shower my stomach still killed but I was exhausted I laid myself down and took Maybe a half hour to fall asleep and when I did eventually sleep it was for about 20 min and my dad was calling saying he would be there soon to get me. I'm like oh crap...fine I'll sleep on the plane.

He showed up I was a mess because of my stomach but I fought through the pain. My dad doesn't live in the city so we drove past Minneapolis all the way to mounds mn which I swear should only have been maybe less than an hour away but took  more than an hour. It was pitch black outside I was a bit delirious running on so little sleep. My stomach also not getting any better. Eventually we made it after a long journey out of the city into the boondocks all I remember seeing was a boatload of lakes..guess Minnesota earned that title after all.  We waited maybe an half hour for my aunt to show up, when they did I hopped in the backseat trying to stay sane with my cousin being a 15 year old boy constantly jabbering about whatever it is they jabber about. 
As we got closer to the airport the sky started getting lighter which made me kind of mad, I wanted to sleep and darkness means sleep!. 

Anyway got throught security and about am hour of nonsense we were on the plane, I tried to go to sleep I was stuck in the middle between my dad and some random lady. So that killed that plus my irritating stomach ache.
 So eventually we arrived in Dallas but spent the next three hours driving to a smaller town through the rain. The rest of my story isn't even remotely interesting, we ate plenty and eventually got to the reunion and of course mountains of food were presented to us. We had a few activities, put on talent shows, all in all it was fun. I got some really great sleep out of it. I missed my cats which usually doesn't happen, how evil do I sound. 

Anyway the trip went by very fast and we once again found ourselves back at the airport sitting in our identical place from the previous two years. So it was a fun time  however my stomach did prevent me from enjoying myself 100%. so I can only hope when we return next summer I will be much better. I made two personal goals for myself  to do before I return one has been accomplished the other working on it. So I'm proud. Anyway again,  I started writing this post in June and it's now September. Geez louise procrastinating is no good.  but it's late and work tomorrow. Summer is winding down I am not pleased but I do emit fall, ugh until next time.

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