B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another News Years Eve, Ramble

So it's that time again. It is December 31st and I am sitting at home doing nothing. Sounds boring? sure, but is it? not really. I am dead broke and just want this weekend to be over so I can get paid on friday, pay my bills and go shopping haha. To most 22 year olds sitting at home on a New Years Eve sounds lame, but I'm not most 22 year olds. I honestly don't care for New Years. To me it's just another day. The only difference is I have to get used to writing 2012 down instead of 11. Another year older. A full year of life, that is 70% of the time ...Sucky lol.

So as I did last year, I want to make some goals.

1. Be more patient. Especially when detangling my hair. 
2. Master a Twist out and when my hair stops growing like it's on crack, master a Braid out.
3. Attempt a Bantu Knot out.
4. Keep up with my ends, buy new shears to Trim them.
5.Be Patient lol can't say it enough.
Body Wise
6.Eat more healthy, I've done so well with that this year so I hope to keep it up.
7. Cardio and Strength Training. Yep.

So those are my goals. Sure I have plenty more but that would be ten pages long. So I guess I'm off now, to watch reruns of Boadwalk Empire and Full house. What a night this shall be.

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