B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Black women and working out?


So after my intense half hour workout yesterday consisting of elliptical action and the sound of Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory in my ears, I stepped off the machine feeling like I had just been kicked in the chest, but a good kicked in the chest feeling. Since I started working out I have come to appreciate a good after workout feeling. I love the feeling of accomplishment that I've just helped my body out. I don't understand how anyone can not like that feeling...
So that brings me to Black women and NOT working out. So lately I've been researching a lot about Black women and not wanting to workout because of their hair. So many Black women are choosing their hair over their bodies and that completely baffles me!. How on earth are you going to say, Screw my body as long as my hair is great!. You are basically deciding  to sacrifice your body and your life for some hair sitting on top of your head. That is ridiculous to me.
What I also can't grasp is women who are clearly overweight and have the nerve to call themselves curvy? when did curvy become fat? a roll of fat on your body is not a curve, it is in fact just a roll. this delusional mindset is not healthy. Now I 'm no health professional or some vegan eating, extremely active, yoga loving (besides the pic above ) health freak, but I do care about being healthy. As we all should. 
I feel like in the  Black community curves are appreciated and that is great but so many women mistake being curvy or thick when really they are just fat and none of that PH nonsense.
I'm not going to go on about what you can do for your hair so you can workout because there are countless articles on how to. As a natural I have no problem sweating away my hair because I can wash it later, even when I wear it straight I still workout. All I'm going to say is get your big arse up and workout!. Nothing is more important than your health!, you won't care about hair when you are on TLC doing a special on how you are 600 lbs and are stuck in your house.

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