B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Sunday, July 17, 2016

It is summer!

It is officially summer...at least it has been for like a month but regardless it is summer!. It's been about three months since my last post which is long but certainly not as long as the many mia trips I've taken before.
So what can I say, it is currently 9 minutes away from being 3am, I'm extremely tired and should be asleep but I felt like writing and why not? I don't work until 7pm tomorrow which I hate dearly. Any who I finished my summer semester two days ago. I've managed to finish with an A. So two semester down in my college career and I'm standing at a 4.0 and on the deans list. Yeah we'll see how long that last. I was shocked by the A in my last class, I was absolutely sold on getting a B, but hey I'll take it. So now I am officially free until August 22nd  from all school work and it feels weird. I plan to spend my summer...working because I'm an adult and Work doesn't stop!. Also painting, I haven't done it in about two months so I need to get back into it. I've also been taking walks around trails by my place, which has been something I have been wanting to do forever. For some reason I just never felt enough courage to actually go out and do it for some odd reason. But that all changed about three weeks ago. Now I'm addicted. I try to get in at least 4 miles every time I go. The first time I walked 7 miles; I couldn't walk for a week straight. I'm currently sore from the incline from yesterday, but a good workout burn is always good!.
So other than that I've been working on my driving, a goal I've been trying to accomplish for years now but about three months ago I put my foot down and finally pulled the plug. I've been driving for about four months now!. I made it a goal to get my license in fall sometime. I'm thinking around October or November.
I made a promise to myself that 2016 would be my year of accomplishing goals and growing as a person. I have learned a lot over the past two years. I've opened myself to many things, have changed my outlook on stuff. I've become much more optimistic and ready to take on things. Obviously I still have a lot of growing and learning to do but I feel like I'm ready.
So this is all I really wanted to say. It's starting to storm out and my eyes and starting to close. I hope to write many more entries much more frequently!!. Until next time.