I have been extra terrible with updating my blog. Absolutely, terrible. Just outstandingly terrible.
The last time I updated was December of last freaking year. Ugh.
Anyway, it is now August of 2015 I'm sure the next time I update this thing it will be 2017 and I'll be 85. That math isn't right of course but who cares. Any who...where do I even begin.
Hair related. I've been trying out all kinds of products, being less product junkie and mores just curious buyer and trying out new stuff when I run out.
My last post was about my dry/ product buildup hairline in which I haven't had a problem with since discovering my life months ago now.
I did realize my hair was quite dry last winter, so I began cowashing every week in..January or February. And shampooing once a month with a regular shampoo.
The Shampoo I used being Shea Moisture's...Honey and Manuka oil line. Co washing with As I am Coconut Co wash and a variety of Hair masks by Shea Moisture mostly, my favorite being from the JBCO line
I do have to say so myself, since I've been natural the amount of natural hair products or at least prouducts geared to those of us who are natural have tripled. I remember if I needed a product I would have to order online at curl mart. Everywhere I go now I can find an abundance of products for us Natural ladies and I couldn't be more excited.
So anyway back to dry hair. I started co washing to keep my hair feeling like butter, I realized I wasn't retaining as much length as I would like.
Now don't get me wrong I do not care to have super long locks but I do care if my hair is dry and breaking. I had looked at old photos of myself and realized from 2011 to...well 2015 the beginning of I had not seen much growth.
I know the product buildup obviously caused my hair to take a giant GIANT hit!. So right then and there I had to correct it.
So coupled with the co washing, every night or every other night I would moisturize and seal
Which brings me to now. I'm still doing that but I also decided to get some Marley twists in my life and boy oh boy.
So a few months ago, I had looked into Marley twists but quickly forgot about their entire existence. Fast forward to this summer. I went to Louisiana and saw a relative with these gorgeous twists in. From that moment on I became obsessed. When I got back home, I researching the living daylights out of Marley twists!. At first I was going to buy the hair and then have someone install it but then I came across so many videos where practically all of the girls did them, themselves...so I was like well what the FRENCH!. I realized a salon would charge 150+ to instal them which nobody and most certainly me does not have time for.
So I educated myself from youtube. Watched every video there was until I felt like I could do it.
Marley braid hair brand YA MAN!
Once I got the hair, that night I washed my hair and tried to install them. I failed hardcore donkey butts. HARDCORE!. I almost gave up. I literally questioned my entire existence.
But after freaking out, almost crying, regretting life. I watched one more video which helped me with the hand coordination.
I woke up at 9:53am and immediately started my hair. I finished around 8:00pm. My body ached, I officially hated hair but my hair was finished.
I loved it. However, my hair was way too heavy, it was toooooooo LOOONGG!!!. ME working in a hospital running around all day simply could not deal. I used one and two strands for my hair, and finished with three packs.
Then came the trouble.
My ends would not seal, the hair was took long.
So I cut it,
An cut it too blunt which resulted in them not sealing with the boiling hot water method
So I ended up burning the ends which is the short hair pic above. I dealt with it, but hated it. I hated the feeling of the burnt ends, they also snagged at the twists which was a giant pain.
About a week later I washed my hair and wanted to re do a few of the twists. Long story short and five episodes and five hours of Graceland down the drain. I ended up redoing my entire head with the remaining packs of hair I had. But this time using one strand of hair on each hair. Which resulted in lighter less heavy and bulky twists. I still had quite the challenge sealing my ends, but I was not and I repeat NOT about to burn those ends again. I couldn't enjoy my twists because of those crunchy burnt things!!
So my very first pic, pictured above is my second and final results. I absolutely love the twists and so happy I was able to do them myself and save money and also learning how to to them for the future. I currently am debating on how long I want to keep them in for and if I'll install more after I take these ones out, we'll see. Anyway until next time, it's 1:15am and I have a 72 dollar face mask on my face that should have been off hours ago. Goodnight.