B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Castor oil and product review

Me eyebrows look a mess...anwyay. Those are my ends
 sealed with Castor Oil.

I bought this Castor oil

A few months ago but found myself not using it because it was so thick and smelled like...something waxy and weird lol.
However I decided to Seal my ends with it after I washed my hair a few days ago.

After I washed I used Oyin Hair Dew

As you can see I purchased some Oyin and they have new Containers and designs. Anywho, after I applied the Dew, which brings me to another topic. I am trying to not be as heavy handed as I can be. I'm trying this new thing out where I only use as much as I need which isn't even much to save on product, money and my hair getting build up so fast. I kept experiencing the greased up hair when I had a relaxer feeling. Not cool. So I've been doing a pretty good job so far. My hair doesn't feel like crap.

Back on topic!. So after I applied the Dew!!!...I rub a teeny tiny baby sized amount on my fingertips and sealed them ends up BOOYAH! and the result was my ends swirled up as you can see in my main pic and my hair was extremely,deliciously, luxuriously,ridiculously soft. I was amazed and shocked to why I never this this before,before..although I think I have but didn't have these results so this time around I got the results I was looking for. Yay for me.