B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

B-E-A UTIFUL things natural

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three Years since my last relaxer!

Yep my big huge face right on top.
So I meant to post a blog on the 26th because that would be three years since my last relaxer,but I got busy so oh well! lol. So yes, Three years since my last relaxer and I have to say I am very proud of myself for sticking it out this long. I never thought I would get to say three years since my last relaxer.

I've learned a lot and am still learning. Choosing to not relax my hair was a great decision. Of course I have my days where I'm just like screw HAIR!!!! get me a box of that creamalicious crack relaxness! but I then wake up and realize what a journey I went through with transitioning, I've  put too much work into my hair just for me to slap a perm into it. 

So that is all for now. Until next time.