So. It's been quite the week. The whole week I've gotten absolutely no sleep, for some reason sleeping at night has not been happening for me and it's beginning to wear on me. I go to bed,toss and turn and don't fall asleep until almost 4 or 5 in the morning. I took some Midol PM last night despite not having my "monthly gift" to try and make me tired. It kicked in about an hour and a half well into me watching Justin Timberlake on Jimmy Fallon singing Rap songs from each decade. I eventually made myself into my room. I laid in my bed headphones on trying to finish my Netflix dvd of The Shield. I eventually felt tired enough to turn it off and sleep. Tossed and turned and didn't fall asleep for maybe an hour. Got really hot ,started itching?? and tossed and turned waking up all night. UGHHHHH! I was pissed. Woke up at noon which is better than One, Since I've been trying to wake up earlier, I hate sleeping the whole day away. Still wasn't good enough though. I need to find a bedtime routine to help me sleep, relying on sleeping pills aren't that great of an option.
You can visit a million natural hair blogs everyday and you can find numerous people posting and saying "Own your shrinkage" or "Love your shrinkage", I'm having a really hard time owning and loving a piece of hair that shrivels all the way up into my brain. That's annoying and stretching my hair constantly is annoying, but that's not even the big issue, the biggest issue I have with my hair as of right now...well for a long time is the fact that the middle part of my hair that was damaged when I was relaxed and still shorter than the rest of my hair. My hair grows longest on the bottom while the sides taking a little longer than the bottom, my bangs grow it seems "normally" and that hair in the middle seems to just sit there. I never went natural to gain length, I couldn't give a flying chicken about long hair, but I do want even hair, I've finally accepted that hair grows at different lengths and sometimes it will always be that way, but the middle part of my head is killing me. I don't know if it's because I've been paying to much attention to my hair lately and focusing on that part of my hair but it seems like it's not growing. I mean I can only really tell when I flat iron but ever time I wash my hair and see that part of my hair I get pissed off. UGHHHHH!!!! again!!!!. I don't know what to do. I don't want to cut my hair just so the bottom can grow longer once again so I'm just trying to nurse that part of my hair and take care of it. Anyway. My hair has been annoying me like crazy this week so I'm sure I'll be normal next week and not so pissed at sections of my hair. I'm just having one of those weeks that we all go through and the best way I figure clearing my head it to write it down to get out of my head to stop thinking about what's going on, on top of my head. So yes... sigh...
I need to stop trippin on gin and juice and relax. But that's easier said than done. I decided to posts picts of my unevenness and hopefully in the next few months post pics again to see if there is any change. I also went to the store and picked up some much needed vitamins which I have to go back and get more tomorrow, those seem to help with hair so maybe I'll have a smile on my face the next time I post pictures.
Flexi Rods
So with my trip to go get vitamins tomorrow I plan on trying out some flexi rods. As a style handicapped person who can't seem to achieve any styles especially with natural hair,I've been you tubing it up lately watching vids of how to put in flexi rods and so far I'm liking what I see. I've been dying for curly big hair forever now...my natural state of hair isn't that big yet and definitely not to my liking See Rant above for information.
So tomorrow I plan on going to target and getting some and trying them out. I think I will try them out on damp natural hair first then when I eventually flat iron try them out on my hair then. I can only pray that they come out right. I seem to screw up the easiest styles ever and Flexi rods seem super easy and simple but like I said I am style handicapped so I will probably screw them up be pissed that I spent money I could have used for some new jeans from H&M. Ugh!!! I hope I won't screw them up, I will pray, If I can get this style right and it actually looks right, it will make my horrible week seem a whole lot better.
So I guess that is all for now, I'm all ranted out and it's after 2am, I shall retire to the bedroom to suck at sleeping and a couple of episodes of family guy and a big glass of ice water :).
until next time.